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What is Homeopathy?

What ailments can be treated by Homeopathy?

Are homeopathic medicines safe?

Are homeopathic medicines regulated by the FDA?

How do homeopathic medicines work?

How does one take homeopathic medicines?

What dietary measures and life-style changes are required under homeopathic treatment?

What is a homeopathic remedy?

Is there any research that shows homeopathy to be effective?

Can I continue taking prescription drugs while under homeopathic treatment?

Which diseases can be treated with homeopathy?

Can a pregnant woman or a newborn baby benefit from homeopathy?

How does homeopathy deal with patients affected with problems resulting from emotional trauma, severe grief or the consequence of mood disorders such as anger, depression or anxiety?

How does homeopathy address patients with infectious diseases?

Which conditions are outside the scope of homeopathy?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine, which was founded by the German physician Dr. Hahnemann in 1790. Dr. Hahnemann  was a very famous physician of the then dominant school of medicine. He was a successful practitioner, but deep within he was very troubled by the limited amount of useful medical knowledge of his times. He realized that, very ironically, the 'medical science' is not based on any fundamental scientific laws. And the theories on which the medicine of his time was based were vague and hypothetical. And the treatment often caused more harm than good. So he left his medical practice and started translation work instead.

While translating Cullen's Materia Medica, he decided to probe into the action of Cinchona bark, which was known to have curative power in malarial fevers. To do this, he took some extract of Cinchona bark himself. To his utter surprise, he soon developed symptoms similar to those of malaria. It occurred to him that Cinchona bark can cure malaria because it has the power to produce a similar state in a healthy human being.  To test this idea further, he did similar experiments with various substances on himself and others. And he found all his experiments confirming his idea. And so he concluded that this is a general law and called it 'Similia Similibus Curantur' , i.e.; 'Like Cures Like' - the fundamental principle on which Homeopathy is based.

This law has been confirmed by thousands of people since then and has been found to be rock-solid.Dr. Hahnemann then further developed this idea, proved hundreds of new medicines, developed methods of preparation and administration of medicines and also gave many guidelines regarding health and disease, thus giving birth to a complete and new system of medicine. This was a strong foundation and a lot of work has gone into further development of Homeopathy in the past 200 years. The work and growth of Homeopathy is still going on and at a very rapid pace. And as the physical basis of this science is becoming clear, i's acceptance is growing in all ranks of society. It won't be wrong to say - 'The Future Belongs to Homeopathy."
If you want to know more about Homeopathy then read:

History of Homeopathy            Principles of Homeopathy

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What ailments can be treated by Homeopathy?

Almost all ailments are amenable to homeopathic treatment. But homeopathy is best known for its ability to treat chronic ailments. The reason for this is that Homeopathy is the only system of medicine which offers curative treatment (not palliative) in many chronic ailments which have been declared 'incurable' by other schools of medicine. Be it skin disease, chronic gastric and intestinal disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, asthma, allergic disorders, menstrual complaints, other hormonal disorders, arthritis, psychological disorders etc etc. All these and many more chronic ailments have been affected curatively by Homeopathy. The only major limiting factors are 1. Gross structural and pathological changes. 2. Very low vitality of the patient. 3. Unavoidable presence of certain causative or maintaining factors.

Then Homeopathy is also known to make surgery unnecessary on many occasions. Many tonsils, adenoids, appendices etc have been saved with Homeopathy. Benign tumors and renal stones also respond well to homeopathic treatment.

Even in cases where curative treatment is not possible, like advanced cases of arthritis, malignancies etc, management and palliation with homeopathic medicines is very effective and improves the quality of life of such patients without making them suffer the side effects of the modern wonde -drugs ( ! ).

Homeopathy is also very effective in acute ailments. And the action of a rightly selected medicine is usually faster than any other medicines. Not only this, under proper homeopathic treatment the tendency to frequent recurrence of acutes and their tendency to become chronic is aborted.

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Are homeopathic medicines safe?

Absolutely! Homeopathic medicines are given in sub-physiological doses. They do not have any chemicals or added colors in them. Usually they do not have any side effects and they cannot cause any structural damage in general. They are safe for infants and pregnant women too. But homeopathic medicines often have very profound action on human economy, so they should not be taken without consultation with a qualified homeopath.

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Are homeopathic medicines regulated by the FDA?

Yes.  Homeopathic remedies are prepared by homeopathic pharmacies in accordance with FDA approved guidelines.

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How do homeopathic medicines work?  

Homeopathic medicines act by stimulating body's own defense mechanism to correct the process which has lead to the disease condition. According to our current understanding, the medicines act as a electromagnetic signal, which is picked up by nerves and relayed to higher centers of the brain, which in turn stimulates our bodies healing powers to take specific corrective measures. Medicines tell the body 'What to do?' - the actual work is done by the body itself.

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How does one take homeopathic medicines?  

Homeopathic medicines are available in sugar pills and in liquid form. The exact way of administration depends upon the medicine, its potency, the condition being treated, and the sensitivity of the patient. At one time a few sugar pills or a few drops of liquid medicine may be given. But the exact method and the repetition of medicine depends upon the above mentioned factors. So ask your homeopath before taking any homeopathic medicine.

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What dietary measures and life-style changes are required under homeopathic treatment?  

This varies from physician to physician. Some restrict too many things like coffee, tobacco, spices etc, while others do not put any restrictions. In general, if a food-substance is playing a causative, maintaining, or aggravating factor, only then it should be avoided. Some substances like camphor are considered a general antidote to many homeopathic medicines and should therefore be avoided or taken into account. Life-style changes are also required only if life-style is contributing to disease condition. Homeopathic medicines act on a very deep plane; so they are usually not affected by routine dietary articles and the routine stress of our lives.

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What is a homeopathic remedy?

A homeopathic remedy is a highly diluted substance, prepared from one single animal, mineral, or plant source, as found in nature. For example, Apis mellifica is a highly diluted remedy prepared from the venom of a honey bee, commonly used to treat bee stings, certain types of sore throats, and many other conditions. The remedies are prepared in laboratories by homeopathic pharmacies under very strict regulatory guidelines.

In fact, the FDA has publicly stated: “Homeopathic medicines in high dilutions, taken under the supervision of trained professionals, are considered safe and unlikely to cause severe adverse reactions.” Because of the extremely high dilutions of the remedies, they are extremely safe and completely devoid of all chemical toxicity. Thus, unlike even many herbal preparations, they are extremely safe and effective to use even with pregnant women and infants.

Homeopathic remedies are first scientifically “proven” by testing small amounts of the natural substances on healthy individuals and meticulously recording all of the symptoms experienced by these individuals. After the symptoms from a “proving” disappear, the experiment continues, and the individuals receive yet another dose to confirm the original findings of the first proving. This is done several times and, in many cases, with many individuals to ensure consistent, accurate, and reliable information.

Next, this information is combined with information from clinical trials to confirm that the remedy does indeed cure individuals suffering from a pattern of symptoms similar to the pattern of symptoms of the remedy. Unlike drugs used in conventional medicine, which may only be tested for a few years and typically used without full knowledge of long-term side effects, the homeopathic remedies most commonly prescribed have been used safely and effectively for decades.

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The reason the remedies are so safe is the same reason that makes it so difficult for most people to comprehend how these remedies could possibly work - the remedies are so highly diluted that only a molecule or less of the original substance is chemically present in the remedy. Only a subtle essence, or a sub-molecular remnant, of the original substance remains. This fact has made it easy for skeptics to argue that homeopathy can’t possibly work because there can’t be any significant chemical effect of a remedy that may not even contain a single molecule of what it was originally prepared from. The funny thing is that these skeptics are correct.

As you may recall from the previous section, we already know that the action of the remedy is not a chemical one; it merely triggers a healing reaction of the vital force. One way of thinking about the remedy is that, instead of exerting a chemical influence on the body, it may actually work by communicating information to the body about the pattern of symptoms that the original undiluted substance causes. It is this information contained in the remedy, not the chemical composition of the remedy, that the vital force reacts to. Because this concept of a non-chemical healing reaction does not fit the conventional medical model, it is simply discarded by many. However, as we will see in the next section, modern scientific research has confirmed the safety and effectiveness of homeopathy again and again.

One final note on homeopathic remedies: they are relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to other over-the-counter medication, prescription drugs, and even vitamin supplements and herbal preparations. A typical 1 to 2 month supply of one single remedy usually costs around $10 to $15. Since only one single remedy is prescribed at any one time, even for a multitude of symptoms, taking the remedy is very simple and inexpensive.

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Is there any research that shows homeopathy to be effective?

Yes, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that documents homeopathy to be safe and effective. A major review of dozens of clinical trials of homeopathy concluded that the scientific evidence is strong enough “for establishing homeopathy as a regular treatment for certain indications.” (British Medical Journal, 1991; 302:316-323). Other research showed the response to homeopathic remedies to be 2.5 to 3 times greater than placebo.(Lancet,1997;350:834-843).

While we’re on the topic of placebo, there are two other points besides the one made in the beginning of this paper which illustrate how the effects of homeopathy are not due to placebo. For instance, homeopathy has been widely practiced with excellent results on animals, infants, and comatose patients, none of whom could possibly respond to a placebo effect. Also, it has been observed that when a patient is given a homeopathic remedy that is not accurately prescribed, there will typically be no response to that remedy. For example, consider the case where the homeopath, although trying to find the right remedy for the patient, fails on their first attempt.

In cases like this, both the doctor and the patient believe (or at least hope) that the first remedy prescribed will help the patient. But after the remedy is given, the patient does not improve. After further reviewing the case, the correct remedy is chosen, and then the patient begins to improve. If the results were due to placebo, why did the patient respond to the second remedy, but not the first? The obvious conclusion from these cases is that the effects of homeopathy are clearly not due to the placebo effect. Many other research studies confirm this fact, and just a small few are summarized below.

A randomized controlled trial proved homeopathy to be successful in treating acute childhood diarrhea, especially when virus and/or bacteria were present. Jacobs, Jennifer, L. Margarita Jimenez, Stephen S. Gloyd, James L. Gale, and Dean Crothers, “Treatment of Acute Childhood Diarrhea with Homeopathic Medicine: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Nicaragua”, Pediairics, Volume 93, Number 5, pp. 719-725 (May 1994). In fact, the results from this study were successfully replicated later. Jacobs, J., et al. “Homeopathic Treatment of Acute Childhood Diarrhea: Results from a Clinical Trial in Nepal”, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Volume 6, pp. 131-139 (2000).

Another study showed that homeopathy was far superior to prophylactic doses of antibiotics in preventing respiratory disease in pigs on pig farms. Albrecht, H., et al., “Homeopathy Versus Antibiotics in Metaphylaxis of Infectious Diseases”, Alternative Therapies, Volume 5, Number 5, pp. 64-68 (September, 1999).

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Homeopathy was also shown to be effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Gibson et al., Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , 9, pg. 453 (1980).

Allergies were shown to improve with homeopathic treatment. Reilly, D., et al., “Randomized Controlled Trial of Homeopathy Versus Placebo in Perennial Allergic Rhinitis with Overview of Four Trial Series,” British Medical Journal, 321, pg., 471-476, (August 19, 2000)

Faster recovery from the flu with homeopathic treatment was shown. Ferley, J. P., et al., “A Controlled Evaluation of a Homeopathic Preparation in the Treatment of influenza-Like Syndromes,” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 27, pp. 329-335 (1989).

Homeopathy improved post-operative pain and agitation in children. Alibeu, J. P., et al., “Aconit en Dilution homeopathique et agitation post-operatoire de l’enfant,” Pediatrie (Bucur), 45:7-8, pp. 465-466 (1980).

Less relapse of recovering alcoholics and drug addicts undergoing homeopathic treatment was shown. Garcia-Swain, Susan, “A Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled Trial Applying Homeopathy to Chemical Dependency," Hahnemann College of Homeopathy, Albany, California (June, 1993).

Faster recovery and less treatment failures with homeopathic treatment of otitis media (ear infections) in children. Jacobs, J., et al., “Homeopathic Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Children: A Preliminary Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial, ”Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal”, 20,, 2, pp. 177-183 (February 2001)

Andy Kirk, Chair of The Society of Homeopaths puts the case for homeopathy. He says: "Homeopathy is recognised by the World Health Organisation as the second largest therapeutic system in the world."

Finally, we are currently awaiting the release of a several thousand-page book: The Weight of Evidence: Homeopathy in Times of Epidemics and other Statistics, by Andre’ Saine, N.D. In it, Dr. Saine reviews the literature from the past two hundred years regarding the homeopathic treatment of over 15 of the major epidemics afflicting humankind including measles, malaria, pneumonia, and influenza, cholera, typhus, and many others. Many readers will be quite astonished to find that not only has the track record of homeopathy been excellent in the treatment of these diseases, but it has actually been shown to be universally superior to that of conventional medical treatment.

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Can I continue taking prescription drugs while under homeopathic treatment?

Yes. Unlike some drugs, vitamins, minerals, and herbal preparations, homeopathic remedies will not adversely interact with any conventional medications. During the beginning of homeopathic treatment, most patients will continue to take their prescription medication. It is very common for homeopathic treatment to be used in conjunction with other conventional and complementary therapies.

A main role of the homeopath is to help coordinate these various therapies in the most appropriate way for each individual patient. Once significant improvement is made, it is common for most patients to work with their prescribing physicians to gradually wean themselves off these drugs, as they become no longer needed.

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Which diseases can be treated with homeopathy?

In homeopathy we do not treat diseases; we treat the person with the disease. Whether a person has a chronic or an acute disease, all of the symptoms represent a state of imbalance very specific to this individual. When the imbalance is treated with a well-chosen remedy, the healing reaction can be triggered, regardless of the diagnosis.

Certain diseases and circumstances in particular individuals may present unique obstacles to healing, but many people have experienced excellent results with very stubborn, severe, and chronic conditions including, but not limited to: chronic pain, infections of all kinds including influenza, common colds, and even pneumonia; allergies and asthma, hay fever, eczema, psoriasis, many types of arthritis including rheumatoid arthritis, tension and migraine headaches, disc herniations and sciatica, back pain, serious injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, infertility, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, ADHD, reflux disease, heartburn, colitis, irritable bowel, and cancer.

Many patients are surprised to learn that cure can result from homeopathic treatment, even in cases involving structural problems where surgery has been recommended. For example, consider the case of a disc bulge or herniation which causes “sciatica” (an often severe pain and/or numbness and weakness, radiating along the course of the sciatic nerve – from the lower back, extending down the leg). How can homeopathy affect a structural lesion like a bulging disc, which may be compressing a spinal nerve? The answer to this question can only be understood if we understand what is truly causing the patient’s symptoms in the first place. A bulging disc will often compress a spinal nerve, but research has shown that one third of people with no sciatica symptoms whatsoever happen to have bulging discs.

Why don’t all of these people with disc bulges experience sciatica? The answer was already explained in a prior section: in order for patients to experience symptoms or disease, two factors must be present. One is the external influence (the compressed nerve, in this case), but the other is the individual’s sensitivity or susceptibility to the influence. In other words, if the individual’s vital force is strong and balanced, their body can deal with even a moderate degree of nerve compression without a reaction of pain and inflammation. However, if that person is constitutionally sensitive to nerve compression because of a lack of balance in their overall state of health, then even the slightest degree of nerve compression may cause a violent inflammatory response and debilitating pain.

So, it is the body’s inflammatory response to the lesion, not the lesion itself, which often causes the symptoms in an individual. A properly chosen homeopathic remedy can help by triggering the healing reaction that restores a balanced state of health. As a result, the pain is eliminated and the patient’s function is fully restored. The same reasoning explains why homeopathy also works in patients with other potentially surgical lesions including tears in tendons like the rotator cuff, and also torn cartilage, as in a torn meniscus of the knee.

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Can a pregnant woman or a newborn baby benefit from homeopathy?

Yes. Since homeopathic remedies are devoid of all chemical toxicity, homeopathy is the ideal system of medicine for people of all ages, even the most sensitive like an expectant mother or a newborn baby. Difficulties during pregnancy and delivery, or its aftermath, as well as all the problems experienced by the newborn, can be dealt with safely and efficiently with homeopathy.

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How does homeopathy deal with patients affected with problems resulting from emotional trauma, severe grief or the consequence of mood disorders such as anger, depression or anxiety?

Most emotional problems typically normalize with the application of the homeopathic remedy that is the most similar to the state of the patient. Patients who are already under psychotherapy typically discover that they recover far more rapidly, and are ultimately able to be weaned off their medications, after they begin homeopathic treatment.

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How does homeopathy address patients with infectious diseases?

Homeopathic treatment is the ideal treatment to optimize the body’s natural defenses against microbes. With the appropriate homeopathic treatment, people recover from even the most serious infectious diseases, gently and rapidly. During the past great epidemics such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, malaria, homeopathy decreased mortality by 10 to 30 times versus conventional medicine.

During the infamous Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-19, it has been estimated that 25 to 50 million people died world wide under conventional medical treatment. In the United States alone, 550,000 died, approximately 10% of the people afflicted with the flu. Homeopathic physicians at that time documented more than 62,000 patients treated with homeopathy resulting in a mortality of 0.7%. For people who were sick enough to be hospitalized, conventional medicine had a mortality of 30%, while with 27,000 documented hospital cases, homeopathy was reporting a mortality of 1.05% (Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 1921; 13:1028-1043).

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Which conditions are outside the scope of homeopathy?

If a patient has a problem that necessitates a referral to a medical specialist or surgeon, the homeopathic physician will make a prompt, appropriate referral. In the case of surgery, which is a significant shock to the organism, homeopathic treatment will be ideal to prepare the patient for the surgery and help him or her recover from the operation. Of course, cases with dislocation or fracture will be dealt with by an orthopedic doctor. For less serious mechanical physical problems, chiropractic manipulation and therapeutic exercises will often be recommended. Generally, people afflicted with genetic, congenital or fixed metabolic diseases or with very advanced degeneration cannot always expect full recovery, but more often a palliative relief with homeopathy, free of the side effects usually expected when palliation is done with modern drugs.

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